Antiques - Classified ads for buying and selling antiques
Antiques Recommended by AsterVender ®
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#Used #Coins for sale #Antiques
Price of coins:
Rs 1,000
Bank of mauritius note signed by governor and managing director
#Used - like new #Banknotes for sale #Antiques
Price of banknotes:
Torches dating back to 1989 or so (Approx. some 35 years old) Rs2,000 for both
#Used #Old stuff for sale #Antiques
Price of old stuff:
Rs 2,000
Old casette tapes, around 250 in quantity and dating back to 1990's + 6 VCR tapes. Could also...
#Used #Replicas for sale #Antiques
Price of replicas:
Rs 2,400
argentier a vendre mais sans les vaisselles
#Used - like new #Antiquities for sale #Antiques
Price of antiquities:
Rs 6,000
Antique china. Near offer accepted
#New #Antiquities for sale #Antiques
Rs 25,000
1 Very large Chinese antique . Near offer accepted
Rs 50,000
Ship model soleil royal 1669 for sale (negotiable)
Rs 60,000
Ancient Coins. 12 Franc from Republique Francaise. 2 Penny from Queen Elizabeth II. Have more c...
#New #Coins for sale #Antiques
Rs 500,000
Recommended Offer
3 Coin old coin
#Used #Antiquities for sale #Antiques
Rs 6,000,000
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